How do I become an investor

Do you want to invest? See the three simple steps you need to take.

Are you a BRD customer?
  1. Go to the BRD network.
  2. You will go through with your colleagues the documentation required for MIFID profiling.
  3. Communicate the amount you want to invest, the desired fund, as well as the account from which the transfer will be made (if you have multiple accounts).
  4. You sign the subscription application, after you have read and accepted the Fund's Prospectus.
  5. The next business day following the transfer you will receive the confirmation of the operation with fund units, on the email address communicated to the agency.


That’s it!



Not a BRD customer?
  1. Go to the BRD network.
  2. Open a current account for individuals. Communicate the options you have regarding the amount invested and the desired fund.
  3. You will go through with your colleagues the documentation required for MIFID profiling.
  4. Communicate the amount you want to invest, the desired fund, as well as the account from which the transfer will be made (if you have multiple accounts).
  5. You sign the subscription application after you have read and accepted the Fund's Prospectus.
  6. The next business day following the transfer you will receive the confirmation of the operation with fund units, on the email address communicated to the agency.




Apply online


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